Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Animal Cruelty in Singapore

Animal cruelty is one of the most major problems in the world currently. It is one of the many problems that still remain not resolved in the world. Many animals’ lives have been taken but still, nothing much has been done to solve this problem. The most appealing of this problem is that animals that are being abused are domestic animals that are emotionally close towards us. There have been common cases of people torturing their own domestic pets. It will be always be one of the most serious problems that Singapore would have experienced and not completely resolved. Common domestic pets such as dogs and cats are often regarded as a burden and this is the reason behind all their actions of abuse.

Why shouldn’t animals be abused? Firstly, animals are often recognized as one of man’s closest friends. Animals can be part of our family and can be our loyal companions. Animals can help man in many ways. Take for instance, dogs can help us guard homes and keep us company. There have been cases where people treat animals of higher priority and importance as compared to their wealth and assets. All pet owners need not reach this extent, but however at least treat their pets with proper care and not acts of abuse.

Secondly, animals are living organisms just like humans. They have the similar ability to feel pain just like us. Animals are similar to us; perhaps the only characteristic that differentiates humans from animals is the level of intelligence. However, this is no reason to abuse your own pets. Animals do not cause us pain, why should we? We should in fact treat animals properly and give them a respect that a basic living organism should deserve.

In conclusion, we should prevent animal cruelty. Animals might not speak like us, but perhaps they have a lot of words to say to us within their hearts. Animal cruelty is indeed a pressing issue and we must do all in our power to stop it. Stop animal cruelty today!


  1. Hi Ben. Your essay was a bit to short. Should have elaborated and add in more argument paragraphs. That's about it. Thanks,Ben

  2. Hi Ben,

    Its rather alright but actually i think you need more substantial evidences like statistics and laws implemented, etc.

  3. Hi I shall comment more. Well I think that your commentary is quite easy to understand. However, I think that you should add more evidence, so that your argument is more well-supported.

    At least your argument was quite strong. You should shorten your introduction, in fact your other paragraph should be much longer. Your make your intro more brief.

    All in all, quite well-written. Ben

    Score: 21/30
